This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Keeper Marethari and she agreed that you would be PERFECT for Thedas, you just have to thing." She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I gave her some questions "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "The Keeper says 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough, but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because the dream felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
Let's head in and give Isabela a talking to.

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