When we last left off, Anders, faced by the prospect of impending
capture at the hands of the templars, began glowing blue and murdering
the living fuck out of them.
this surge of magical energy has snapped Karl back to his senses, as
he's no longer sounding like the runner-up in an emote-off against Keanu Reeves.
could care less about the metaphysical implications of recent events
and tries to find out if she can use it to her advantage in combat.

Anders, meanwhile, is eager to change the subject back to his boyfriend.

Kirkwall has finally begun to realize the implications of the
surveillance powers allowed to the Chantry in the LOYALIST Act
legislation passed in response to the Ferelden Blight.

Actually I can imagine it, because being a tranquil sounds like being in an award-winning indie platformer!

Merrill and Bethany take a moment to fake sympathy rather than
overwhelming relief that it was Karl and not them who got captured.

Yeah, there's really no way Bethany could know, not actually being a tranquil, but whatever.

And Karl gazes into Anders' incredibly jagged eyebrows clipping through
his cornea one last time before Anders shanks him in the gut.
So we ditch the Chantry fast before someone finds us standing around a
huge pile of eviscerated corpses and manages to put two and two

Back in ye olde darktowne, Valerie figures that Anders owes her an explanation.

Actually, you were because a spirit of justice is totally different than
a demon! Jesus Christ Valerie, are you even listening or just
desperately trying to burn everyone you talk to at every opportunity?

Yeah, let's think back on all the great things that happen when a child
stays with his mother instead of going to the circle like that time the
Arl of Redcliffe's son got possessed by a desire demon, murdered the
entire castle staff and laid siege to the village of Redcliffe with an
army of zombies. Good times. Good times.

It certainly was "righteous" how "hard" Justice got once he was "inside you".
lol these fucken eyebrows man.

This is actually one of the tamer flirtations, they will get progressively more aggressive and awkward as the game goes on.
Yeah, you might be able to work out your brow situation.
That could be because you just might be into dudes, just throwing that out there.
Finally I can have a party of nothing but mages casting fireball over and over ad infinitum!
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