Saturday, February 11, 2012

How Is Trashmob Formed?

With Varric's quest resolved we go to help Aveline oh my god why am i still doing this


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wow... what happened there? I think I blacked out for a second. Looks like I wrote a bunch of an update, so I might as well finish this.

Alright, before we go talk to the templars, we should probably unload this super-dangerous pure lyrium relic we've been hauling around.
Neither has anyone else, because the game never shows it! It's kind of like Pulp Fiction if Quentin Tarantino was a spastic illiterate tvtroper instead of being a spastic illiterate foot-fetishist.

And even if he can't, who's gonna care when tardo goes crazy and we have to kill him?

"Better" is such a relative term when it comes to this game.

What will our midget orainmangutan come up with this time?

Another piece of shit rune I'm never going to use. Cool.

At this point I feel I should remind you of the plot consequences had we chosen the path of giving Varric the shard of the relic that drove his brother insane: absolutely nothing

This is almost definitely going to happen in Dragon Age 3.

*insert stupidass Dragon Age novel spoilers here*

Funny, that's the same reaction I have when I see I still have 1000 screenshots left to sort through.

1 comment:

  1. So what the fuck is going on in Aveline's quest, exactly?
    Templars are complaining that she is playing favorites with her husband, so she and Hawke go ask Donnic if she's favoring him over the other guards?
